Kaid Benfield, Better Cities and Towns:
The National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America, released
a new report
analyzing street improvements in 37 neighborhoods across the country
and finding that streets re-designed with all users in mind - pedestrians,
transit users and bicyclists as well as drivers of motor
vehicles - generally delivered positive results in the form of measurable
increases in safety, non-polluting forms of transportation, and
economic benefits.
The study examined projects that had
before-and-after data from transportation and economic development
agencies, spread across 31 cities in 18 states.
a blog post, Smart Growth America staffer Stefanie Seskin highlighted five particular findings from the report:
- Streets were usually safer: Automobile collisions declined in 70% of projects, and injuries declined in 56% of projects.
- This safety has financial value:
Looking only within the sample, Complete Streets improvements
collectively averted US$18.1 million in total collision costs in just one
- The projects encouraged multi-modal travel: Complete Streets projects nearly always resulted in more biking, walking, and transit trips.
- Complete Streets projects are cheap:
The average cost of a Complete Streets project was just US$2.1
million - far less than the US$9 million average cost of projects in state
transportation improvement plans.
- They can be an important part of economic development:
The findings suggest that Complete Streets projects were supportive of
increased employment, net new businesses, higher property values, and
new private investment.
(Full disclosure: I am a
board member of Smart Growth America. I have had no connection with or
advance notice of the study I am reporting today).
example, the report highlights Dubuque, Iowa, where the city
reconsidered four main avenues in its historic Millwork District,
replacing sidewalks, easing pedestrian street crossings, adding new
street lights, painting
(designed to alert other users that bicyclists are sharing the road
space), and creating a multi-use trail. Within a year, bicycling use
increased by 273%.
Since the project's completion, the
neighborhood has experienced more than $34 million in new private
investment, with another $150 million in the pipeline.
While it is
impossible to determine an accurate fraction of that investment due
specifically to the street changes, community leaders believe that the
fact that the neighborhood's streets work for everyone who uses them and
visits the district is an integral part of its success.
the Porter Square area of Cambridge, Massachusetts, engineers
simplified pedestrian and bicycle crossings, created a large pedestrian
plaza, added bike lanes and a signalized bike crossing, coordinated
motor vehicle signal timing, and widened the sidewalk in a historic
retail center.
In Columbia, Missouri, the city improved turn lanes;
installed pedestrian crossing signals, new sidewalks, and trail access;
added new lighting and drainage enhancements; and added striping and
markings for bicycle and pedestrian safety.
It is a basic tenet of
the Complete Streets movement that it does not offer a fixed
prescription to apply in all situations but rather a menu of approaches
that can be adapted as circumstances warrant.
From the beginning it has
been more a political movement than a design strategy: the objective
of the Coalition has been the incorporation of a core principle - that
streets should serve different kinds of users - into state and
municipal policies for roadway design and safety. Localities can then
interpret and implement that principle with flexibility.
I last wrote about Complete Streets in 2013,
when I noted
the very good news that many streets today look and feel different -
more thoughtfully designed, with more than just cars in mind - than
they did, say, twenty years ago.
As I noted then, I live in a community
(Washington, DC) where, depending on circumstances, I am at times a
driver, a pedestrian, a cyclist, and a transit user. And, where these
kinds of changes have been made, I feel safer and better accommodated as
a pedestrian and cyclist - and, remarkably, not at all inconvenienced
as a driver.
my experience has been that automobile traffic pretty much moves as
well (or as poorly) as it always has and, in some cases, it moves better
because everyone's spaces are better delineated. The new study (titled
Safer Streets, Stronger Economies) found that, in about half the projects, automobile volume increased or remained unchanged after the redesigns.
One of the most impressive examples in the report is in Orlando. I can't improve on the authors' description, so here it is:
Drive acts as the main street for College Park, a neighborhood four
miles north of downtown Orlando, FL. When the street was scheduled to be
resurfaced in 2001, the community saw an opportunity - to reinvent
Edgewater Drive into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly commercial district
with cafés and shops.'
"The City of Orlando proposed a 4-to-3
lane conversion for 1.6 miles between Par Street and Lakeview Street,
adding bicycle lanes, a center turn lane, and wider on-street parking.
With resident input, the City of Orlando devised an extensive series of
performance measures to monitor the project's progress. These measures
included travel times, traffic volumes for all modes, and
safety-related crash and injury rates, and speeding data."
The findings speak for themselves:
"The newly improved street was clearly safer than before. Total collisions dropped
from 146 to 87 annually. The crash rate was nearly cut in half, from 1
crash every 2.5 days to 1 crash every 4.2 days. Injuries fell by
from 41 per year to 12 per year, and instead of 1 injury every 9 days,
the reconfigured street saw 1 injury every 30 days. These safety
findings are particularly impressive considering that automobile
traffic only decreased
12% within a year following the redesign, while bicycle counts surged by
30% and pedestrian counts by
"As a result, more people want to be on Edgewater Drive. The corridor has seen
77 net new businesses open and
560 new jobs created
since 2008. Average daily automobile traffic, which saw a slight dip
following project completion, has returned to its original
pre-project level and on-street parking use has gone up
most dramatic results, however, were in long-term real-estate and
business investment. Since the project was first proposed, the value of
property adjacent to Edgewater Drive has risen
80%, and the value of property within half a mile of the road has risen
street was resurfaced again in 2012. No one suggested it should go
back to its original configuration" (emphasis in original).
financial savings of Complete Streets due to accident reduction are
particularly significant: while the analysis found that the safer
conditions created by the 37 projects in the study avoided a total of
US$18.1 million in collision and injury costs in a single year, those
savings will continue to mount in subsequent years.
The financial impact
of automobile collisions and injuries nationwide is in the billions of
dollars annually. The report's authors conclude that "targeting the
country's more dangerous roads and taken to any meaningful scale, a
Complete Streets approach over time has the potential to avert hundreds
of millions or billions of dollars in personal costs."
data also showed that Complete Streets projects were remarkably
affordable. The projects surveyed include a wide range of costs, from
projects with limited scopes that cost just a few thousand dollars to
extensive corridor redesigns that cost several million.
For the most
part, however, Complete Streets projects cost significantly less than
conventional transportation projects, yet can still deliver
transportation benefits such as better safety performance and facility
usage by more people.
With respect to economic effects other than
savings due to accident avoidance, the authors concede that
"before-and-after data in this area are scarce for all kinds of
transportation investments and Complete Streets projects are no
exception." Of the 37 projects included in the survey, the Coalition was
able to examine changes in employment in 11 places, and changes in
business impacts, property values, and/or total private investment in 14
The authors found found that employment levels rose
after Complete Streets projects - in some cases, significantly.
Communities reported increased net new businesses after Complete Streets
improvements, suggesting that Complete Streets projects helped make
the street more desirable for businesses.
In eight of the ten
communities with available property value data, the values increased
after the Complete Streets improvements. And eight communities reported
that their Complete Streets projects were at least partly responsible
for increased investment from the private sector. These data support
the economic outcomes reported anecdotally by many communities.
authors correctly concede that more and better data would be needed to
conclusively connect Complete Streets with economic success. But the
proposition that such measures can support economic activity does make
intuitive sense: comfortable foot traffic, in particular, is good for
business, and one of the basic objectives of Complete Streets is to make
walking feel safer and more comfortable.
In the end,
Safer Streets, Stronger Economies
is less a scientific study than a compilation of available (and, to a
great extent, differing) data from a limited range of case studies. To
my mind, it is far from conclusive. But the direction in which it points
is very encouraging for those of us who want healthier travel and
living environments for everyone in America's communities.
Benfield writes about community, development, and the environment on
Huffington Post and in the national media. Kaid's latest book, People Habitat: 25 Ways to Think About Greener, Healthier Cities, is available from booksellers nationwide.