‘Robin Hood of the Banks’ strikes again. This time the aim is to create
a worldwide cooperative to develop and expand a new economy of the
By Pablo Prieto and Enric Duran
revolutionary activists have an amazing ability to avoid the economy.
We have been iron-branded with the idea that the economy is not only
evil, but the cause of all evil; that we should stay away from it and
feel guilty about being involved with it. Like don Quixote, we are sane
and pure-hearted, but we refuse to see this one truth: we need a new economy.
A new economy begins with a new kind of money. If you’ve managed to live in something close to a gift economy: congratulations, you’ve made it! This only works for some of us, though, living in relatively small communities, and not on a global scale.
You have to realize that you’re
not really changing your neighbors’ world by trading Ubuntu installs for
massage; you’re not overthrowing the hyperarchist system of human
domination by paying for your tofu in rainbowcoins, now, are you?
complementary currencies do a great job at local level, they’re just
that: they complement other parts which together make up a whole. And
what we really need is to build up a whole new way to live in this
Here we go! So, we need money,
we need decentralized international markets, financial tools, solid
trade networks … a financial system, after all. Money, or food for that
matter, aren’t harmful: bulimia or capitalism are.
Money can and should
be used for the common good - and by money we don’t mean fiat
currencies, of course. Fiat currencies are created and controlled by an
evil structure, and used for tyranny and planetary destruction (also, we
don’t see a way we are ever getting any of that pie).
We need to create our own monetary system - a better
one, one that will suddenly make theirs obsolete and their banks
worthless, just like the electric car would do with the gas distribution
network. And we need the transition to be fast enough so they don’t
have time to react and use it for their benefit. What you’ve just read
is the definition of the term disruptive technology.
In 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, he came up with two disruptive technologies at once: the blockchain, a public, universal, unalterable digital ledger, and the proof-of-work
(POW), a new network p2p security system. Together, thanks to the power
of cryptography and the Internet, they allow us to decentralize, and
hence democratize three things:
- Economy. The blockchain allows us to securely store and move our own money with no need for intermediaries. This automatically renders the current financial system useless, and is only the beginning of a new way to organize the whole economy.
- Politics. If we use banks and pay our taxes, the government will do whatever they please with our money, or maybe what the banks please. If we instead use our money to support the projects we would like to see happen, they will eventually happen. What matters here is that with the blockchain we have the real freedom to choose between supporting central governments or supporting a new, distributed way to organize our lives.
- Culture. Decentralizing technologies empower the p2p network society as a new way of thinking and doing that’s quickly replacing many old-regime institutions and central authorities.
individualistic approaches to this new technology - like bitcoin - are
very interesting experiences, but frightening. We can even picture a
gloomy future ruled by cold algorithms and controlled by relentless DACs
(decentralized autonomous corporations).
We probably wouldn’t like that
much. Maybe the solution to state hierarchy is not completely
math-based individualism. Maybe a middle path (as David Harvey would put it) is needed, where the potential of decentralization and the capacities of cooperations could join together.
disruptive technology is not revolutionary in itself, unless it comes
wrapped in a new system of governance, and also in a new ethical
paradigm, one that’s broadly and honestly accepted, never imposed.
Revolution is not only a political change, but a cultural and individual
mindshift. The perfect political system won’t work unless we first
learn how to love each other. Any revolution prior to that will lead to
disintegration of power only long enough for the next populist leader to
figure out how to get hold of it.
And well, we also need to go further than a new financial system …
Productive businesses are usually forced to make a big profit to pay back their debts to financial institutions. The so-called real
productive system needs to be freed from the parasite, and when that
happens we will clearly see how the financial system has absolutely
nothing to offer to society, how it was all a gigantic scam, and how
most of it is simply disposable.
(including you) have a lot of work to do in building a peer production/commons-based framework of initiatives, and this framework cannot
depend on credit coming from the old banking system. A new system must
be built at the same time.
These thoughts inspired the creation of FairCoop. One of us, Enric Duran (co-founder of the first integral cooperative)
chose a cryptocurrency, Faircoin, anonymously encouraged a community
take-over of said cryptocurrency, and bought a significant amount of all
existing coins at a low price, unnoticed.
Enric then brought together
people from the CIC, the P2P Foundation,
the Dark Wallet team, and other activists, to co-design an initial
vision of how FairCoop could help build a worldwide cooperative: An Open
Coop totally independent from banks or states, where everyone could
have control of their own projects and money, yet overseen by a
collective structure acting as a trust network. Success is about trust,
even in post-capitalism.
This collective structure design is subject to very general, but nonetheless clear ethical principles
taken from hacker ethics, the integral revolution, and the p2p model of
social organization.
Money dynamics are neither controlled by a central
authority nor completely unregulated, but managed collectively in a
less anarchist and more participatory way. The decision-making method is
fairer than the representative system but more agile than some of those
huge, endless assemblies we used to enjoy.
are important among FairCoop’s currently available tools. They will
provide funding to projects that fall into the above-mentioned
principles, and that can add to the common good.
More than ten million
Faircoins - about 20% of total supply - is already deposited in the
FairFunds, and will be used to fund projects related to wealth
redistribution to local communities worldwide, people empowerment, and
the creation of commons and free technology.
our worldwide collaborative fair economy marketplace, is another space
where we can change the way consumers and producers organize to exchange
interesting goods and services, in a way that avoids middlemen and also
helps the planet. This aspect of our project is currently in
development for an upcoming beta launch.
to the cryptocurrency, Faircoin has certain features which make it fit
the FairCoop purposes. Basically, the process of extraction is different
than that of Bitcoin (POW). It’s called minting (POS,
proof-of-stake). But yeah, it was mostly about the name. Which currency
you choose doesn’t actually matter that much.
The most important
features of this new system are not imprinted as algorithms in the code;
instead they will come from the human input and democratic
participation of all members.
the creation skills available in our p2p commons networks, we’re sure
that the Faircoin of the future will join the decentralized technology
of the blockchain and the human-centered values of cooperation.
any rate, besides the tools we have working or designed already, what
matters most in FairCoop is the open process.
In a world changing as
rapidly as ours, where disruptive technologies are aggregating and
creating an unprecedented multiplier effect, the way we can become as
successful as possible is by also aggregating simultaneously, coming up
with new and better ideas day by day, building our knowledge and
experiences in our own FairCoop ecosystem.
do not destroy the system by attacking it with our wooden spears. We
are creating a valid alternative, and have started developing it.
FairCoop aims to provide new, free, collaborative economic, social and
technological tools for everyone, and will try to make sure they are
used in a cooperative way for the creation and expansion of the commons
worldwide. An Earth cooperative to build the fair world of the future.
We can all help to make this happen. You can learn about the different ways to get involved here.
Pablo Prieto is a scientist working on the science of a post-capitalist world. He is a member of FairCoop.
Enric Duran is a post-capitalist activist and co-founder of the Catalan Integral Cooperative and FairCoop. He is widely known as the “Robin Hood of the Banks” for his legendary anti-capitalist bank swindles.
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